.. _logging-api: Logging API =========== .. currentmodule:: sphinx.util.logging .. autofunction:: getLogger(name) .. autoclass:: SphinxLoggerAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter) .. method:: SphinxLoggerAdapter.error(msg, *args, **kwargs) .. method:: SphinxLoggerAdapter.critical(msg, *args, **kwargs) .. method:: SphinxLoggerAdapter.warning(msg, *args, **kwargs) Logs a message on this logger with the specified level. Basically, the arguments are as with python's logging module. In addition, Sphinx logger supports following keyword arguments: **type**, ***subtype*** Categories of warning logs. It is used to suppress warnings by :confval:`suppress_warnings` setting. **location** Where the warning happened. It is used to include the path and line number in each log. It allows docname, tuple of docname and line number and nodes:: logger = sphinx.util.logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.warning('Warning happened!', location='index') logger.warning('Warning happened!', location=('chapter1/index', 10)) logger.warning('Warning happened!', location=some_node) **color** The color of logs. By default, error level logs are colored as ``"darkred"``, critical level ones is not colored, and warning level ones are colored as ``"red"``. .. method:: SphinxLoggerAdapter.log(level, msg, *args, **kwargs) .. method:: SphinxLoggerAdapter.info(msg, *args, **kwargs) .. method:: SphinxLoggerAdapter.verbose(msg, *args, **kwargs) .. method:: SphinxLoggerAdapter.debug(msg, *args, **kwargs) Logs a message to this logger with the specified level. Basically, the arguments are as with python's logging module. In addition, Sphinx logger supports following keyword arguments: **nonl** If true, the logger does not fold lines at the end of the log message. The default is ``False``. **location** Where the message emitted. For more detail, see :meth:`SphinxLoggerAdapter.warning`. **color** The color of logs. By default, info and verbose level logs are not colored, and deug level ones are colored as ``"darkgray"``. .. autofunction:: pending_logging() .. autofunction:: pending_warnings()