Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Builder superclass for all builders.

    :copyright: Copyright 2007-2018 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.

import warnings
from os import path

from docutils import nodes

from sphinx.deprecation import RemovedInSphinx20Warning
from sphinx.environment.adapters.asset import ImageAdapter
from sphinx.util import i18n, logging, status_iterator
from sphinx.util.console import bold  # type: ignore
from sphinx.util.i18n import find_catalog
from sphinx.util.matching import Matcher
from sphinx.util.osutil import SEP, ensuredir, relative_uri, relpath
from sphinx.util.parallel import ParallelTasks, SerialTasks, make_chunks, \

# side effect: registers roles and directives
from sphinx import roles       # noqa
from sphinx import directives  # noqa

    import multiprocessing
except ImportError:
    multiprocessing = None

if False:
    # For type annotation
    from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union  # NOQA
    from sphinx.application import Sphinx  # NOQA
    from sphinx.config import Config  # NOQA
    from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment  # NOQA
    from sphinx.util.i18n import CatalogInfo  # NOQA
    from sphinx.util.tags import Tags  # NOQA

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Builder(object): """ Builds target formats from the reST sources. """ #: The builder's name, for the -b command line option. name = '' # type: unicode #: The builder's output format, or '' if no document output is produced. format = '' # type: unicode #: The message emitted upon successful build completion. This can be a #: printf-style template string with the following keys: ``outdir``, #: ``project`` epilog = '' # type: unicode # default translator class for the builder. This will be overrided by # ``app.set_translator()``. default_translator_class = None # type: nodes.NodeVisitor # doctree versioning method versioning_method = 'none' # type: unicode versioning_compare = False # allow parallel write_doc() calls allow_parallel = False # support translation use_message_catalog = True #: The list of MIME types of image formats supported by the builder. #: Image files are searched in the order in which they appear here. supported_image_types = [] # type: List[unicode] supported_remote_images = False supported_data_uri_images = False def __init__(self, app): # type: (Sphinx) -> None self.srcdir = app.srcdir self.confdir = app.confdir self.outdir = app.outdir self.doctreedir = app.doctreedir ensuredir(self.doctreedir) = app # type: Sphinx self.env = None # type: BuildEnvironment self.warn = app.warn # type: Callable = # type: Callable self.config = app.config # type: Config self.tags = app.tags # type: Tags self.tags.add(self.format) self.tags.add( self.tags.add("format_%s" % self.format) self.tags.add("builder_%s" % # images that need to be copied over (source -> dest) self.images = {} # type: Dict[unicode, unicode] # basename of images directory self.imagedir = "" # relative path to image directory from current docname (used at writing docs) self.imgpath = "" # type: unicode # these get set later self.parallel_ok = False self.finish_tasks = None # type: Any def set_environment(self, env): # type: (BuildEnvironment) -> None """Store BuildEnvironment object.""" self.env = env self.env.set_versioning_method(self.versioning_method, self.versioning_compare) def get_translator_class(self, *args): # type: (Any) -> nodes.NodeVisitor """Return a class of translator.""" return def create_translator(self, *args): # type: (Any) -> nodes.NodeVisitor """Return an instance of translator. This method returns an instance of ``default_translator_class`` by default. Users can replace the translator class with ``app.set_translator()`` API. """ translator_class = assert translator_class, "translator not found for %s" % self.__class__.__name__ return translator_class(*args) @property def translator_class(self): # type: () -> Callable[[Any], nodes.NodeVisitor] """Return a class of translator. .. deprecated:: 1.6 """ translator_class = if translator_class is None and self.default_translator_class is None: warnings.warn('builder.translator_class() is now deprecated. ' 'Please use builder.create_translator() and ' 'builder.default_translator_class instead.', RemovedInSphinx20Warning) return None return self.create_translator # helper methods
[docs] def init(self): # type: () -> None """Load necessary templates and perform initialization. The default implementation does nothing. """ pass
def create_template_bridge(self): # type: () -> None """Return the template bridge configured.""" if self.config.template_bridge: self.templates = self.config.template_bridge, 'template_bridge setting')() else: from sphinx.jinja2glue import BuiltinTemplateLoader self.templates = BuiltinTemplateLoader()
[docs] def get_target_uri(self, docname, typ=None): # type: (unicode, unicode) -> unicode """Return the target URI for a document name. *typ* can be used to qualify the link characteristic for individual builders. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_relative_uri(self, from_, to, typ=None): # type: (unicode, unicode, unicode) -> unicode """Return a relative URI between two source filenames. May raise environment.NoUri if there's no way to return a sensible URI. """ return relative_uri(self.get_target_uri(from_), self.get_target_uri(to, typ))
[docs] def get_outdated_docs(self): # type: () -> Union[unicode, Iterable[unicode]] """Return an iterable of output files that are outdated, or a string describing what an update build will build. If the builder does not output individual files corresponding to source files, return a string here. If it does, return an iterable of those files that need to be written. """ raise NotImplementedError
def get_asset_paths(self): # type: () -> List[unicode] """Return list of paths for assets (ex. templates, CSS, etc.).""" return [] def post_process_images(self, doctree): # type: (nodes.Node) -> None """Pick the best candidate for all image URIs.""" images = ImageAdapter(self.env) for node in doctree.traverse(nodes.image): if '?' in node['candidates']: # don't rewrite nonlocal image URIs continue if '*' not in node['candidates']: for imgtype in self.supported_image_types: candidate = node['candidates'].get(imgtype, None) if candidate: break else: mimetypes = sorted(node['candidates']) image_uri = images.get_original_image_uri(node['uri']) if mimetypes: logger.warning('a suitable image for %s builder not found: %s (%s)',, mimetypes, image_uri, location=node) else: logger.warning('a suitable image for %s builder not found: %s',, image_uri, location=node) continue node['uri'] = candidate else: candidate = node['uri'] if candidate not in self.env.images: # non-existing URI; let it alone continue self.images[candidate] = self.env.images[candidate][1] # compile po methods def compile_catalogs(self, catalogs, message): # type: (Set[CatalogInfo], unicode) -> None if not self.config.gettext_auto_build: return def cat2relpath(cat): # type: (CatalogInfo) -> unicode return relpath(cat.mo_path, self.env.srcdir).replace(path.sep, SEP)'building [mo]: ') + message) for catalog in status_iterator(catalogs, 'writing output... ', "darkgreen", len(catalogs),, stringify_func=cat2relpath): catalog.write_mo(self.config.language) def compile_all_catalogs(self): # type: () -> None catalogs = i18n.find_catalog_source_files( [path.join(self.srcdir, x) for x in self.config.locale_dirs], self.config.language, charset=self.config.source_encoding, gettext_compact=self.config.gettext_compact, force_all=True, excluded=Matcher(['**/.?**'])) message = 'all of %d po files' % len(catalogs) self.compile_catalogs(catalogs, message) def compile_specific_catalogs(self, specified_files): # type: (List[unicode]) -> None def to_domain(fpath): # type: (unicode) -> unicode docname = self.env.path2doc(path.abspath(fpath)) if docname: return find_catalog(docname, self.config.gettext_compact) else: return None specified_domains = set(map(to_domain, specified_files)) specified_domains.discard(None) catalogs = i18n.find_catalog_source_files( [path.join(self.srcdir, x) for x in self.config.locale_dirs], self.config.language, domains=list(specified_domains), charset=self.config.source_encoding, gettext_compact=self.config.gettext_compact, excluded=Matcher(['**/.?**'])) message = 'targets for %d po files that are specified' % len(catalogs) self.compile_catalogs(catalogs, message) def compile_update_catalogs(self): # type: () -> None catalogs = i18n.find_catalog_source_files( [path.join(self.srcdir, x) for x in self.config.locale_dirs], self.config.language, charset=self.config.source_encoding, gettext_compact=self.config.gettext_compact, excluded=Matcher(['**/.?**'])) message = 'targets for %d po files that are out of date' % len(catalogs) self.compile_catalogs(catalogs, message) # build methods
[docs] def build_all(self): # type: () -> None """Build all source files.""", summary='all source files', method='all')
[docs] def build_specific(self, filenames): # type: (List[unicode]) -> None """Only rebuild as much as needed for changes in the *filenames*.""" # bring the filenames to the canonical format, that is, # relative to the source directory and without source_suffix. dirlen = len(self.srcdir) + 1 to_write = [] suffixes = None # type: Tuple[unicode] suffixes = tuple(self.config.source_suffix) # type: ignore for filename in filenames: filename = path.normpath(path.abspath(filename)) if not filename.startswith(self.srcdir): logger.warning('file %r given on command line is not under the ' 'source directory, ignoring', filename) continue if not (path.isfile(filename) or any(path.isfile(filename + suffix) for suffix in suffixes)): logger.warning('file %r given on command line does not exist, ' 'ignoring', filename) continue filename = filename[dirlen:] for suffix in suffixes: if filename.endswith(suffix): filename = filename[:-len(suffix)] break filename = filename.replace(path.sep, SEP) to_write.append(filename), method='specific', summary='%d source files given on command ' 'line' % len(to_write))
[docs] def build_update(self): # type: () -> None """Only rebuild what was changed or added since last build.""" to_build = self.get_outdated_docs() if isinstance(to_build, str):['__all__'], to_build) else: to_build = list(to_build), summary='targets for %d source files that are ' 'out of date' % len(to_build))
[docs] def build(self, docnames, summary=None, method='update'): # type: (Iterable[unicode], unicode, unicode) -> None """Main build method. First updates the environment, and then calls :meth:`write`. """ if summary:'building [%s]' % + ': ' + summary) # while reading, collect all warnings from docutils with logging.pending_warnings(): updated_docnames = set(self.env.update(self.config, self.srcdir, self.doctreedir)) doccount = len(updated_docnames)'looking for now-outdated files... '), nonl=1) for docname in self.env.check_dependents(, updated_docnames): updated_docnames.add(docname) outdated = len(updated_docnames) - doccount if outdated:'%d found', outdated) else:'none found') if updated_docnames: # save the environment from sphinx.application import ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME'pickling environment... '), nonl=True) self.env.topickle(path.join(self.doctreedir, ENV_PICKLE_FILENAME))'done') # global actions'checking consistency... '), nonl=True) self.env.check_consistency()'done') else: if method == 'update' and not docnames:'no targets are out of date.')) return # filter "docnames" (list of outdated files) by the updated # found_docs of the environment; this will remove docs that # have since been removed if docnames and docnames != ['__all__']: docnames = set(docnames) & self.env.found_docs # determine if we can write in parallel if parallel_available and > 1 and self.allow_parallel: self.parallel_ok ='write') else: self.parallel_ok = False # create a task executor to use for misc. "finish-up" tasks # if self.parallel_ok: # self.finish_tasks = ParallelTasks( # else: # for now, just execute them serially self.finish_tasks = SerialTasks() # write all "normal" documents (or everything for some builders) self.write(docnames, list(updated_docnames), method) # finish (write static files etc.) self.finish() # wait for all tasks self.finish_tasks.join()
def write(self, build_docnames, updated_docnames, method='update'): # type: (Iterable[unicode], Sequence[unicode], unicode) -> None if build_docnames is None or build_docnames == ['__all__']: # build_all build_docnames = self.env.found_docs if method == 'update': # build updated ones as well docnames = set(build_docnames) | set(updated_docnames) else: docnames = set(build_docnames) logger.debug('docnames to write: %s', ', '.join(sorted(docnames))) # add all toctree-containing files that may have changed for docname in list(docnames): for tocdocname in self.env.files_to_rebuild.get(docname, set()): if tocdocname in self.env.found_docs: docnames.add(tocdocname) docnames.add(self.config.master_doc)'preparing documents... '), nonl=True) self.prepare_writing(docnames)'done') if self.parallel_ok: # number of subprocesses is parallel-1 because the main process # is busy loading doctrees and doing write_doc_serialized() self._write_parallel(sorted(docnames), - 1) else: self._write_serial(sorted(docnames)) def _write_serial(self, docnames): # type: (Sequence[unicode]) -> None with logging.pending_warnings(): for docname in status_iterator(docnames, 'writing output... ', "darkgreen", len(docnames), doctree = self.env.get_and_resolve_doctree(docname, self) self.write_doc_serialized(docname, doctree) self.write_doc(docname, doctree) def _write_parallel(self, docnames, nproc): # type: (Sequence[unicode], int) -> None def write_process(docs): # type: (List[Tuple[unicode, nodes.Node]]) -> None for docname, doctree in docs: self.write_doc(docname, doctree) # warm up caches/compile templates using the first document firstname, docnames = docnames[0], docnames[1:] doctree = self.env.get_and_resolve_doctree(firstname, self) self.write_doc_serialized(firstname, doctree) self.write_doc(firstname, doctree) tasks = ParallelTasks(nproc) chunks = make_chunks(docnames, nproc) for chunk in status_iterator(chunks, 'writing output... ', "darkgreen", len(chunks), arg = [] for i, docname in enumerate(chunk): doctree = self.env.get_and_resolve_doctree(docname, self) self.write_doc_serialized(docname, doctree) arg.append((docname, doctree)) tasks.add_task(write_process, arg) # make sure all threads have finished'waiting for workers...')) tasks.join()
[docs] def prepare_writing(self, docnames): # type: (Set[unicode]) -> None """A place where you can add logic before :meth:`write_doc` is run""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def write_doc(self, docname, doctree): # type: (unicode, nodes.Node) -> None """Where you actually write something to the filesystem.""" raise NotImplementedError
def write_doc_serialized(self, docname, doctree): # type: (unicode, nodes.Node) -> None """Handle parts of write_doc that must be called in the main process if parallel build is active. """ pass
[docs] def finish(self): # type: () -> None """Finish the building process. The default implementation does nothing. """ pass
def cleanup(self): # type: () -> None """Cleanup any resources. The default implementation does nothing. """ pass def get_builder_config(self, option, default): # type: (unicode, unicode) -> Any """Return a builder specific option. This method allows customization of common builder settings by inserting the name of the current builder in the option key. If the key does not exist, use default as builder name. """ # At the moment, only XXX_use_index is looked up this way. # Every new builder variant must be registered in Config.config_values. try: optname = '%s_%s' % (, option) return getattr(self.config, optname) except AttributeError: optname = '%s_%s' % (default, option) return getattr(self.config, optname)